What is Injectaclad?

Injectaclad is an award-winning, intumescent acrylic-based, graphite sealant designed to enhance fire safety by sealing gaps in wall and floor cavities, creating an effective barrier against the spread of fire and smoke. Developed by experts in the field, Injectaclad is used extensively in both new constructions and retrofit applications to ensure compliance with fire safety regulations.

What is Injectaclad
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    Why is Injectaclad Important?

    Fire safety is a critical aspect of building design and maintenance. Injectaclad provides a reliable solution to prevent the rapid spread of fire and smoke through cavities, which can be a significant risk in multi-story buildings. By using Injectaclad, building owners and managers can improve the safety of occupants and comply with stringent fire safety standards.

    How was Injectaclad Developed?

    Injectaclad was developed through extensive research and collaboration among fire safety experts, engineers, and materials scientists. The goal was to create a versatile, easy-to-apply material that could effectively seal cavities in a variety of building structures.

    What Materials are Used in Injectaclad?

    The primary component of Injectaclad is an intumescent acrylic-based, graphite sealant. This material is designed to expand when exposed to heat, filling gaps and creating a robust barrier against fire and smoke. The sealant is reinforced with stainless steel pins and mesh socks to ensure stability and durability during installation and use.

    How Does Injectaclad Work?

    Injectaclad works by expanding when exposed to high temperatures. This expansion allows it to fill any gaps or voids in the cavity, effectively sealing them off and preventing the passage of fire and smoke. The material’s intumescent properties ensure that it reacts quickly to heat, providing a critical window of protection during a fire.

    What Makes Injectaclad Effective?

    Several factors contribute to the effectiveness of Injectaclad:

    • Intumescent Properties: The material expands rapidly when exposed to heat, filling gaps and creating a fireproof barrier.
    • Versatility: Injectaclad can be used in a variety of building types and cavity configurations.
    • Ease of Installation: The installation process is straightforward and does not require the removal of existing cladding.
    • Durability: Injectaclad is designed to withstand the rigours of building movement and environmental changes.

    How is Injectaclad Installed?

    The installation of Injectaclad is a meticulous process designed to ensure maximum efficiency and protection. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the key steps involved:

    1 - Preparation

    The first step involves preparing the building surface. Small holes are drilled at 2-metre intervals along the cavity of the structure. This precise spacing is crucial for ensuring that the subsequent injection process covers the entire area uniformly.

    2 - Reinforcement

    Next, stainless steel support pins are inserted into these drilled holes. Alongside these pins, a reinforcing mesh sock is placed within the cavity. This combination provides a robust framework that supports the Injectaclad material, ensuring it adheres correctly and provides a stable barrier.

    3 - Injection

    The Injectaclad sealant, which is a specialised fire-resistant material, is then pumped into the cavity. This injection process is carefully controlled to reach the desired depth, creating a continuous and uniform fire barrier. The sealant fills the entire cavity, eliminating gaps and ensuring comprehensive protection.

    4 - Sealing

    After the injection is complete, the drilled holes are sealed to restore the integrity of the structure. This sealing ensures that no moisture or air can penetrate, maintaining the effectiveness of the fire barrier. If desired, the surface can be painted or finished to match the aesthetic requirements of the building.

    Which Fire Safety Standards Does Injectaclad Meet?

    Injectaclad complies with several key fire safety standards, including BS8414-1 and BS1366 Part 4. These standards ensure that the material has been rigorously tested and proven to provide effective fire protection in real-world conditions.

    How is Injectaclad Tested?

    Injectaclad undergoes extensive testing to ensure its effectiveness and reliability. This includes fire resistance tests, compatibility tests with various construction materials, and performance tests under different environmental conditions. These tests are conducted by accredited laboratories to ensure compliance with international standards.

    Where Can Injectaclad Be Used?

    Injectaclad’s versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of applications across various types of buildings and projects. Its robust fire resistance and thermal efficiency make it an excellent choice for enhancing the safety and performance of structures. Here’s a detailed look at where Injectaclad can be effectively utilised:

    1 - New Constructions

    In new construction projects, Injectaclad is an invaluable component for ensuring compliance with the latest fire safety standards. Its innovative design and effective fire-resistant properties make it an ideal choice for new buildings looking to incorporate the best safety measures from the ground up. By integrating Injectaclad during the construction phase, builders can provide occupants with a high level of protection and peace of mind from the outset.

    2 - Retrofit Projects

    For existing buildings, retrofitting with Injectaclad offers a practical solution for meeting current fire safety regulations. Older buildings often lack the modern fire-resistant features required by contemporary standards. Injectaclad can be seamlessly integrated into these structures, significantly enhancing their safety profile without requiring extensive structural modifications. This makes it a cost-effective and efficient option for bringing older buildings up to current safety codes.

    3 - Commercial Buildings

    Injectaclad is particularly beneficial for commercial buildings, such as office spaces, shopping centres, and other commercial properties. These buildings often have high occupancy levels and significant fire risk due to the presence of various materials and activities. Using Injectaclad in commercial properties helps to create a safer environment by providing a robust fire barrier that can prevent the spread of fire and smoke, thereby protecting lives and assets.

    4 - Residential Buildings

    In residential buildings, especially multi-storey complexes, Injectaclad enhances safety by providing a comprehensive fire barrier. High-rise residential buildings pose unique fire safety challenges due to the density of occupants and the complexity of evacuation. Injectaclad’s fire-resistant properties ensure that fire and smoke do not spread rapidly, giving residents more time to evacuate safely. Additionally, its thermal insulation benefits contribute to more energy-efficient homes, reducing heating and cooling costs for residents.

    What are the Benefits of Injectaclad?

    Injectaclad offers numerous benefits, including:

    • Enhanced Fire Safety: Provides a robust barrier against the spread of fire and smoke.
    • Cost-Effective: Reduces the need for extensive structural modifications.
    • Minimal Disruption: The installation process is quick and does not require the removal of existing cladding.
    • Versatility: Suitable for both new constructions and retrofit projects.
    • Durability: Designed to withstand building movements and environmental changes.

    How Does Injectaclad Compare to Other Fire Protection Solutions?

    Injectaclad stands out due to its ease of installation, cost-effectiveness, and reliable performance. Unlike traditional fire barriers that may require significant structural changes, Injectaclad can be installed with minimal disruption. Its intumescent properties also provide a more responsive and effective fire barrier compared to non-intumescent materials.

    How Often Should Injectaclad Be Inspected?

    To ensure continued effectiveness, Injectaclad should be inspected annually. Regular inspections help identify any potential issues and ensure that the fire protection system remains in optimal condition.

    What Maintenance is Required for Injectaclad?

    Maintenance requirements for Injectaclad are minimal but essential. This includes checking the integrity of the sealant, ensuring there are no new gaps or voids, and verifying that the reinforcing mesh and pins are intact. Any identified issues should be addressed promptly to maintain the fire protection system’s effectiveness.

    Is Injectaclad Environmentally Friendly?

    Injectaclad is designed with sustainability in mind. The installation process involves minimal disruption to existing structures, reducing waste and environmental impact. Additionally, the material itself is designed to be durable and long-lasting, reducing the need for frequent replacements and associated environmental costs.

    What Steps Are Taken to Ensure Sustainability?

    The use of Injectaclad eliminates the need for extensive demolition and reconstruction, significantly reducing construction waste. The installation process also minimises noise and dust pollution, making it an environmentally friendly choice for fire protection. Furthermore, the materials used in Injectaclad are selected for their low environmental impact and high performance.


    Injectaclad stands as a critical advancement in fire safety technology, providing a reliable and efficient barrier against the spread of fire and smoke. Its development and composition, utilising intumescent graphite-based sealant reinforced with stainless steel pins and mesh socks, highlight its robust functionality. With straightforward installation steps and broad applicability in new constructions, retrofit projects, commercial buildings, and residential complexes, Injectaclad ensures compliance with stringent fire safety standards. Its cost-effectiveness, ease of installation, and minimal maintenance requirements further underscore its benefits, making it an essential component for enhancing building safety and protection.